Self-introduction is our website platform for foreign countries,while is our official website in china since 2000,who has been dedicating to the development of bathroom industry for over 14 years.We want to build a bridge between China and outside world, to share industry infomation and contribute to the development of bathroom field all over the world.
Company News
LAUFEN and IBK Reached the Strategic Partnership
Recently, LAUFEN, the world’s top luxury bathroom products manufacturer and IBK, the famous Chinese bathroom& kitchen news website reached the strategic partnership.
September 8,2016 | by Hilda
From June 1st through 4th we will display at the 21st Kitchen & Bath China inside the New International Expo Center (SNIEC) in Shanghai, China.
July 5,2016 | by
Big News! Monarch Officially Listed!
Breaking, seize potential, to win the world, monarch did not let you wait too long. The evening of April 22nd, the Commission announced the approval of Sichuan monarch's first application.
May 4,2016 | by Jessie
Gulang Island Old Villa Hotel Return Visiting of Jomoo Intelligent Toilet
If you don't go to Gulang Island, you will not understand what the literary and romance; and go to Gulang Island, do not spend the night on the island of the old hotel, enjoy the intelligent toilet of
April 22,2016 | by Jessie
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